$100 Per Day! 5 Hot Amazon KDP Low Content Niches

$100 Per Day - 5 Hot Amazon KDP Low Content Niches

If you haven’t heard of low content book publishing before, it is basically a type of self-publishing books which have little to no actual content in them.

When compared to a fiction novel for example, that you read and has upwards of 50, 75, 100,000 words or more, a low content book is usually blank or has little inside.

They are books such as notebook, journals, activity books and planners to name just a few.

So, essentially they are books that people buy to fill out themselves.

There is a massive opportunity to make a substantial income from low content books on Amazon so let’s have a look at what it’ll take to make $100 per day from publishing your own books.

There are a couple of different ways you can go about it and no one way is better than the other. It’s just up to you and your preference of how you want to run your self-publishing business.

Let’s say that you will be making a $2 royalty from each book you sell on Amazon. You can focus on one book and making that one book your big seller that gets you that $100 per day. This means you’ll need to sell 50 copies per day.

In order to do this you will need to focus on getting your book a best seller rank of around 1,500-2,000. This is doable, particularly if you promote your book with Amazon ads.

Another option is to build up a list of 10 books and then you would only need to sell 5 books per day. This means your books would need to have a best seller ranking of around 30,000. This is much more doable, especially if you don’t have an ad budget.

And then your third option is to create 100 books that sell every other day. So, you wouldn’t even need to sell every book, every single day. These books would only need a best seller rank of around 300,000.

A rank this high is not hard at all to achieve and can most definitely be done without any money spent on advertising.

You’ll just need to decide whether you want to create 1 book, which is a lot quicker than creating 100, but you’ll be spending more time and money on getting that book up the best seller rankings.

Or, whether you want to spend the time to create 100 books that you don’t need to spend much effort of getting best seller rankings.

Now, these figures are very generalised but it gives you an idea of what you need to do and the different ways of going about making that $100 per day.

So, let’s get into the niches that are profitable enough, that aren’t over saturated, that will make you $100 per day!


Logbooks is a great niche and has good sub-niches that you can target that have a lower amount of competition.

Check out Elegant Simple Trackers, they focus solely on logbooks and are doing very well at it.

Accounting Ledger BSR 9,320 = 397 sales
Ledger Book BSR 7,345 = 483 sales
Vehicle Maintenance Logbook BSR 50,910 = 90 sales
Time Sheet Logbook BSR 78,967 = 60 sales
Mileage Logbook BSR 266,593 = 18 sales

This adds up to 1,048 sales per month, which is on average 35 books per day sold. At a $2 royalty that’s $70 per day in income. And don’t forget that’s only 5 of their 25 books available.

As you can see their covers are extremely simple, you don’t need to be a super-duper graphic designer to make books that sell or have expensive graphic designer software, though you do need to make sure your interiors are on point.


Planners are a niche that take a bit more work to create – they aren’t as simple as creating a lined notebook obviously.

But, usually the things that take more time and effort reward you equally in the long run. And niches that take more work, time and effort are the niches that the majority of people tend to avoid because most people are out looking for the quick and easy ways to make money. Like notebooks.

Pretty Simple Planners are a brand that’s doing especially well with planners and I actually first came across this brand a while ago on Etsy, as they originally sold printable planners and then I discovered through their website that they sell paperback planners on Amazon.

Their planners are very distinctive and once you get to know the brand you would be able to spot which planners are theirs because of the style they have created.

Lesson Planner for Teachers BSR 40,346 = 7 sales per day
2020-2021 Planner BSR 110,531 = 3 sales per day
Weekly & Monthly Planner BSR 66,694 – 5 sales per day
Weekly & Monthly Planner BSR 427,152 – 1 sale per day
Academic Planner BSR 381,299 – 1 sale per day

So, from their 5 most popular books they are probably selling around 17 books per day and with a $2 royalty that adds up to $34 per day. All you’d need to do is create another 5-10 books with similar best seller ranking to make your $100 per day.


Coloring books is such a popular and competitive niche, you really have to drill down and find sub-niches to be able to compete with less competition.

Swearing adult coloring is also very popular but I came across a sub-niche or long tail keyword, that has much less competition which could make it a lot easier to make sales in.

When I searched for Swearing Coloring Books for Adults I got a much lower amount of competition – under 1,000 results.

And when I looked at the BSR’s, they are amazing! The highest I can see is around 70,000. This sub-niche could be one of those where you only need to create one book and you have the possibility of making $100 per day from.

The first coloring book I looked at is Honey Badger Coloring, which has a BSR of 2,871. That means it’s selling around 67 copies per day. With a $2 royalty that’s over $100 per day.

Or the next book I saw by Charla Bond, which has a BSR of 695. That’s 189 copies per day and $378 per day.

And it keeps getting better! The next book I looked at by Alex Fleming has a BSR of 229. That going to be selling about 392 copies per day and making around $784 per day. Wow!

Now, take note that these books are well established and have lots of positive reviews. This is a situation where you could just create one book and then spend your time promoting it, getting reviews, getting off-amazon promotion for it and pushing it up the best seller rankings to eventually be on the same level as these books.


So, this falls under the “big three” which is across any type of business, there are three niches that are guaranteed to make money – health, wealth and relationships so books related to health, weight loss, fitness etc always do well.

This is another log book type of book where people who are trying to track their eating habits or weight loss results can record their progress.

One of the best sellers of this niche by Happy Books Hub has a current BSR of 4,398, which means they are selling around 48 copies per day. If you create a book in this niche and can get it a similar best seller ranking as this book then you’ll be making you $100 per day.

But also, all the other books in this niche have fantastic BSR’s too, so even if you have a few books in the same niche, with higher BSR’s you can still make that $100 with say 3 or 4 books instead of just 1.


The last niche I want to look at today is a Music Manuscript Notebook. Musicians who create their own music need this type of paper to write out the notes of their music on.

This niche has just over 1,000 results which some would say is a little too competitive but sometimes it’s still worth trying out niches to see what you can do with it. You may need to put a little bit of money in advertising to get it on the first page of Amazon but considering the BSR’s these books have, it could definitely be worth it.

The this first one I saw here was by Hal Leonard Corp, which has a BSR of 1,884. The next book I see is by the same company and has a BSR of 12,472. The next one is by Epic Music Manuscripts and has a BSR of 21,117 and the last one I looked at by Talented Minds Learning Series has a BSR of 13,551.

There are our five niches that have really great potential to make you $100 per day. Of course, it isn’t as easy as just uploading a book and instantly you’ll make sales.

You need to thoroughly research other books in the niche which have low BSR’s and see what it is that makes them so popular and try to make yours just as good if not better.

Sometimes you just need to give it some time for your book to start ranking and generating sales and sometimes, yes you might need to put a bit of money into advertising, especially if you don’t want to wait the length of time it can sometimes take for a book to ramp up and start showing up in front of your potential customers.

I hope you have found at least one new niche today that you are excited to try out today!

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