Do you want to learn how I grew my personal brand Instagram account to almost 8,000 followers in 7 months? Or how I grew an Ecommerce Instagram account to over 11,000 followers? Oh yeah, and don’t forget the Instagram account of an inspirational coaching brand that I grew to over 13,200 followers.
Instagram now has over 800 MILLION total monthly active users. 95 million photos and videos are shared everyday. That’s INSANE. If you’re not taking advantage of this, you should be.
Here are three tips to help grow your account and gain more Instagram followers:
1. ENGAGE. ENGAGE. ENGAGE. You must be engaging with other Instagram users. Share the love. Follow them, like their photos, comment on their content, respond to all their comments on your posts. You need to be doing this every single day.
2. CONTENT. CONTENT. CONTENT. People follow you because they want to see your content. And this needs to be consistent. If you aren’t putting out regular content why would they come back to or interact with you and your account? You need to be doing this every single day.
3. HASHTAGS. HASHTAGS. HASHTAGS. Create a hashtag strategy that aligns with your brand, attracts your target audience and complies with Instagram boundaries to cultivate engagement. You need to be doing this on every single post.
Implement these three tips into your Instagram strategy and you will be able to increase your reach to find your target audience and explode your follower count in no time!
Are you struggling to build your follower count on Instagram? Tired of spending hours and hours on Instagram for nothing in return?
That’s what I’m here for!
It’s time to get an in-depth, customized audit of your Instagram account. Click here to find out more information about how my Insta Audit can help turn your Instagram account into a well-oiled machine to fuel your brand and business.