My First Ever Blog Traffic Report

I’m so excited to share my first blog traffic report. While it isn’t actually very exciting yet as I’m basically going to be showing how dismal my numbers are currently, I’m excited because I can’t wait to see where it goes and how it grows over the coming months and years.

Please follow along with me and if you are in the same boat – practically no traffic, no followers, nothing, nada, CRICKETS! – then hopefully we can learn something from each other on this journey to building something awesome!

This post may contain affiliate links. 

Firstly, in full disclosure this isn’t an actual report as such, as my blog is only launching but as I’m using some social media platforms that I have had registered for quite a while I want to know where I’m starting from and so that you can see where everything started and how it grows over the coming months.



I do have a Freebie Queen Resource Library that I created several months ago, which has some free resources inside in relation to mindset and manifestation, and while I’m not promoting this heavily, I do let people know about it on some Facebook groups that I’m in. The traffic I currently receive is mostly from that.

As a side note, if you’d love to get access to my Freebie Queen Membership sign up and check it out here!

From the period of 1 July – 20 July I had 303 page views. Most of this was direct traffic, which are the people looking at the resource library. The remaining 20% or so of traffic came from Facebook so at this point, nothing has come from Pinterest.



I currently am starting to build 2 email lists. One is from the subscribers of the Freebie Queen Membership and the other is from a 100 Day Affirmation series of emails I send out called Daily Dose of Happy. Again, as everything is only getting ready to launch I’ve only mentioned it on some Facebook groups so have a few subscribers so far.

I currently have 35 subscribers.



For years Pinterest was just my personal account where I browsed now and then and just pinned things I wanted to save for myself. There was no strategy, reason or thought behind my account, my boards or what I pinned.

A few weeks ago, I converted my account to a Business profile, cleaned up my boards and started pinning strategically in preparation to drive traffic back to my blog.

When I started to work on my Pinterest account I had maybe 50 followers (mostly friends and family) and under 100 unique views per month.

As of today with the little work I’ve put into it so far I have 388 followers and 80K monthly unique views.

Pinterest is something I’ll be heavily focusing on as part of my traffic strategy for my blog.



Twitter is currently not a part of my social media strategy. The only thing I have set up is that my Instagram posts are automatically posted to my twitter account. I put no hours or work into it but I currently have 335 followers.



Instagram is by far my favorite social media platform and I spend a lot of time there. I have several Instagram accounts for all different things but the account I’ll focus on here is my Freedom Empire account. I’ll admit, I’ve had this account for a couple of years and have been strategically growing and it currently has 13,477 followers.

I’ll just be continuing to do what I do with this platform.



I struggle with Facebook. I just don’t know how to get people to follow my pages without paying for advertising, so this platform I’ll be putting a little bit of effort into to learn how to use Facebook properly.

I currently have a private Facebook group called Freedom Queens Collective, where I provide a lot of free content about mastering mindset, growing social media platforms (mainly Instagram) and starting and running online businesses.

This group currently has 144 members which have all come from me talking about the group on Instagram.

My Freedom Empire business page currently has 23 likes/followers and these came from paid advertising. Going forward though I want to spend as little as I possibly can on gaining a bigger audience.

I am set to officially launch my blog on 1 August 2018. I will launch with 4 posts and each month will compare all these stats so that I can see how things are tracking, if what I’m doing is working or not and how I should move forward.

Hopefully you find these interesting and I’m so excited to finally launch my blog and for you to come along on this journey with me. Come back for my new posts, I’ll be sharing more about my story, how I ended up here and ALL the knowledge I have gained over the years of building online businesses.


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